Unlock Your Healing

Vitalism Code is the culmination of the latest scientific advancements in physical, biochemical and emotional health.

Based on personal quests to overcome our own health challenges, we share the best up-to-date information so your energy can be spent healing. No more bumping around in the dark searching for answers!

These cutting edge practices will allow you to feel better faster while simultaneously providing you with the motivation and tools to create long-lasting, complete wellness.

Consider it the ultimate, on-going Masterclass for health, wellness & vitality. Become your best self yet!



Activate your Super Powers!

Gain access to our Essential Package with over 50 videos & additional content to build your 4 Pillar Foundation.

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Hear from the co-creator of Vitalism Code,

Dr. Scott Gamm.


Four Pillars of Health

With all the confusion & chaos surrounding wellness, we thought it was time to get back to the basics. We're cracking the code to all things Vital.

Tonal Balance

Learn the foundational exercises to create a healthy spine and nervous system by utilizing traction, stretching and brain optimization techniques.


Discover the simple and easy-to-implement nutritional concepts to maximize energy and detoxify your body.


Bioaccumulation of manmade chemicals can overwhelm our body's systems. Advanced cleanse products and practices help the body remove these excess toxins to restore health. 


Understand how you can achieve a greater level of health through the connection of physical and mental practices. 

Advanced Spinal & Neurological Training

Vitalism Code teaches simple, effective techniques to maximize your spinal healing with as little time and effort as possible. In less than 10 minutes a day, create better posture, more energy and an increased capacity to heal. Each individual modality has stood the test of time with remarkable results. By combining traction, core work and functional stretching with breath work, you will achieve unprecedented results.

You Are What You Eat...

...AND what it has eaten and been grown in. Unfortunately, with the current state of our food chain, most suffer deficiencies in life-enhancing nutrition. By utilizing time honored principles of body chemistry awareness and proactive food sourcing, you can overcome this confusing - and often misunderstood - vital health component. 

Purify to Electrify

Every animal in the world practices some form of regular detoxification, except humans.  At Vitalism Code we incorporate essential methods of using specific nutrition, herbs, and seasonal timing to allow you to renew your body to newfound levels of vibrancy.

"I am still learning." 


At Vitalism Code, we believe true intelligence is how intelligently you choose to live your life. You will learn the most advanced systems available to increase your emotional and mental well-being. Utilizing meditation, feelization, bullet journaling and breath awareness, you will supercharge every level of your physical health. 

Begin Your Healing Story NOW!

Success loves action. By clicking below, you are taking the vital first step toward your best health.


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